Herbal hay

Raw material

We deliver the best quality hay from the best, carefully selected, locations. The geographical location of these areas contributes to the fact that the hay naturally is very fine and spicy. Of course the hay is selected by colour and even selected by humidity. Our suppliers have long been familiar with our special requirements. Therefore we are able to provide a constant and stable product throughout the year. If you desire we can add various dried fruits, vegetables, flowers and herbs to the hay. Also a mix of these different additions is possible.


Below you can see the possible additions. If you desire an additions not listed below, we can develop it for you. Examples of additions we have are: Apple, Banana, Carrot, Dandelion, camomile, Mint, Echinacea, Wheat, Corn, Tomato, Parsley and Rosehip.


When harvested hay is compressed into large bales. Within our factory these big bales are detached with the aid of machines and are once more inspected for the right moisture, odour, colour and other aspects. After the quality check the hay is weighed and pressed into different formats for out clients. If desired we can add a certain herb or plant to the hay


Hay is an essential nutrient for rodents, such as hamsters, rabbits and guinea pigs. It contains a lot of crude fibers, which ensure a good digestive process for your pet. Furthermore, gnawing of hay prevents the overgrowth of teeth of your rodent(s). Hay naturally is a warm nesting material for rodents and a so-called single feeding material. Contains∑14% moisture, various grasses and herbs and ∑32% crude fibers.

Can we help you?

Interested in one of our services or products? Feel free to contact us to discuss the possibilities.